Download Syncdocs

Thanks for choosing Syncdocs

Syncdocs should start downloading in a few seconds. If it doesn’t, then download manually

The download is size is just over 4MB, and the installation will take about a minute.  Here’s how to install it:

Setup step by step instructions screenshots for non IE users

More information

For a step-by-step install walk-though look here. The latest release version number is 7.10


The free version of syncs a limited number of files. You can get bonus file sync quota by inviting friends. Purchase Syncdocs for unlimited quota and more features.

Portable (USB stick) Google Drive version and 64 bit version

You can get the version that runs from a USB stick here. It lets you keep your Google Drive synced on a USB memory stick (thumbdrive). Syncdocs also runs from the memory stick.

There is also a 64 bit portable version. This can be faster and can sync more than 1,050,000 files.

Encrypting and Decrypting Google Drive without Syncdocs

You can download the free standalone Google Drive file decryption and encryption utility from here (for .g_encypt_aes files).

Advanced Installation and Automated Deployment

For more advanced install options run: “msiexec /a syncdocs.msi” from a command prompt.

If you wish to do an automatic deployment for your users, look at these scripts. The full automated how to guide shows how to  automatically deploy and setup Google Drive sync and backup for your users.


The system requirements for Syncdocs.

Syncdocs for Windows XP, 2000 and Server 2003

If you are running Windows 2000, XP SP2 or Server 2003 without .NET 4.5 you will need this version of Syncdocs.

Beta version

The latest beta version of Syncdocs (6.x) with extra features, still in testing is here.
It might might still have a few bugs, though.